Carta de Juan Ramón Jiménez
[Carta a Francisco Muñoz, director de La Provincia de Huelva.] Moguer, 19 de septiembre [de 1914] Sr. D. Francisco Muñoz Director de La Provincia Huelva Mi querido amigo: Recién llegado a este nuestro rincón fervoroso, me encuentro con una grata nueva, cuyo conocimiento me colma de regocijo: Eugenio Hermoso, el
Potter working a piece of clay
Dolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsion while the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section, provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species that have one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying by species,
Painting the imaginations
Dolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsion while the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section, provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species that have one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying by species,
Adventures of the realistic Africa
Dolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsion while the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section, provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species that have one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying by species,
RP band performance at Shop Pleu
Dolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsion while the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section, provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species that have one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying by species,
Happy holidays to everyone!
Dolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsion while the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section, provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species that have one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying by species,